Not Even Death-Eternally Your Master
Not Even Death
Your Master
A Novella
Copyright © 2014 B.B. BLAQUE
All rights reserved.
Smashwords Edition
Photo Credits
Konradbak-A young lady got
Alessandroguerriero-Handsome bare chested muscle model-
Feedough- Business man unbuttons his
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Happily Ever What?
2011-Domaine de la Butterfly (the Estate-Field of the Butterfly)
Calico Cruz couldn’t believe her eyes. It started out innocently enough, with a simple knock on the door. Most knocks are simple, mundane, but then there are those that signal an opening to something. Something profound, something life altering…the knocks to which all other knocks are measured. The funeral had only been a month ago, but the moment she opened the door, and the envelope she realized— he’d been right all along! Not even death could break the bond they shared. Crying…smiling…laughing like a lunatic, she read her Master’s words. He was reaching out to her from beyond the grave. Only Markus! She knew it would be something magnificent
Go to your special, safe place and sit before continuing to read.
She held the contents of the envelope close to her chest and obeyed. The tears still streamed, she didn’t bother to hinder their descent. He deserved her smiles, tears and obedience. He would whole heartedly approve of the outrageous laughter. You’re amazing when you laugh Kitten…It’s so infectious…Promise you’ll never stop laughing baby.
She quickly made her way through the living room, foyer and onto the veranda. She skipped across the steps leading to the terracotta tile of the expansive patio. Finally, her feet were in the deep, cool grass leading to her special place. She took a moment to notice each of the unique stepping stones Markus had given her throughout the years. She was officially walking down “Memory Lane”. She could see it in the distance. The water surrounding it was a beautiful turquoise. Obeying, she arrived at her spot, the gazebo.
She nestled, kneeling on the pillows surrounding the plush mattress. She didn’t close the curtains, she wanted to hear the water and see the sky. He was there, in all things. He was still with her.
Returning to the package she selected the next piece of linen stock, even in death he’s elegant.
I will trust you’ve done as I requested and are kneeling on your pillows. You’ve become such a good, obedient girl and I suspect that hasn’t changed so soon.
I can only imagine what you must be feeling. How difficult it must be for one so accustomed to serving to suddenly have no one to serve. You may be considering your life and choices. You know Domaine de la Butterfly is now yours. I know you’ll never accept ownership of anything, but your home will remain yours. You will also find, in this envelope, other things I’ve reverted back to your capable hands. Don’t be afraid, Kitten.
Calico began to rustle through the papers. Tears filled her big, amber eyes again. In her hands was the contract between Markus and herself. She kissed it and held it to her heart, recalling the day they’d signed it with his lawyer as witness. It seemed so long ago and like yesterday. Where had time gone? She’d cherished every second but they just hadn’t been enough.
As she continued through the stack she saw the slave certificate; Markus was listed as her owner. Sliding her hand up the nape of her neck she touched the barcode tattoo.
These were the things he was leaving in her hands? Was he certain of her capability? She felt so lost without him.
I know you won’t go searching with any sort of urgency, your loyalty runs so deep and the guilt would consume you. But, I can’t possibly imagine you floating around this estate like a ghost while you’re still alive. You’re too good, too hungry and have too much life left to live. So, my sweet kitten, I’ve, taken this, out of your hands. You will need to serve. It’s who you are. The decision is mine.
I’d considered willing you to someone but the potential for a life of unhappiness…I’d rather you a ghost.
Calico sat in the middle of the gazebo, curled up and rocking in attempt to console her heart. She couldn’t imagine the reality of what she read. Although she hadn’t felt him touch her in a month, she could feel him cradling her broken heart now.
After careful consideration, I’ve chosen some of my dearest friends to look after you. I chose only those I thought would help you laugh, heal and grow in my physical absence. I may not be there to Master you in my earthly body, but I am alive and well in your heart and mind.
Each of them has my deepest admiration and trust. I expect you to give them the same consideration. They will prove they can earn it from you, I promise you that, but at my will, give it first please.
For now, they will be acting as vessels for my will and desire, I will be in each of them, don’t forget that kitten. They will treat you only as outlined by me.
Ultimately, you will find a match; you’ll both know when it happens and have my blessing. Until that time, enjoy what I will give you through them. Enjoy the gifts they’ve given me….to continue my journey with you. I love you my kitten
Ya’ see? I told you, not even death…
Your Master,
Calico sat amidst the pillows, clutching the pages to her chest. Since the funeral she’d cried enough tears to fill the Great Salt Lake. Each memory lingered in her mind, the world seemed like a dream in slow motion. She ceased living when he had.
Now this? Not even death stopped his hands from holding her up. He’d always held her.
Curling up she allowed her mind to go back in time. It was a lifetime ago, Markus’ lifetime and hers. How had he seen anything in her then? She softened, thinking back to the streets of New York City. How had he managed to see beneath the straggly girl on the grift and barely surviving?
Sinking deeper into the memory she could almost see his shadow, hear him clapping behind her. That very, first time.
NYC 1999
“That was some performance little girl.” The deep laughter had startled her from counting her take. She saw his silhouette in the distance. The only thing not hidden by the darkness was the crisp, white shirt he wore under his dark suit.
It was all so clear, as if he were still alive.
“Hey, whoever you are, I have mace!” She’d said from the safe shadows of the alley. What does he want? I don’t have anything!
“Hey, I don’t want to hurt you.” His voice was steady, he relaxed his stance. “I couldn’t help noticing you…very slick…almost perfect!”
She quickly jumped up, knocking boxes over as she got to her feet. Her eyes looked past him, to the areas of light surrounding him. She had to escape, she always found a way.
“Mister, I don’t know what you think you saw…I’m not into any of that…” Leaving the words in the alley she shoved by him, stumbling onto The Avenue of the Americas. She didn’t know what he wanted but was sure she wasn’t into it.
He grabbed her arm firmly, noticing how frail she was under the oversized coat she wore. He wondered how long it’d been since she’d had a proper meal
“Hey, what’s your story?” He asked, looking at her dirty, yet pretty face. “You know I saw you right?”
“Like I said, I don’t know what you think you saw…but seriously, get over it.” How had he seen? She was invisible to all the people roaming the street. Invisibility was how she’d survived. How had this suit seen her? He was exactly the type who never saw it coming.
The well-heeled man extended his hand. “Take this, if you ever need a friend, I can help.”
She looked at the card, trying not to look into the handsome face of the man holding it.
“Just take it. What do you have to lose? You can throw it out if you don’t want it, but at least humor me and take it.” His manner was soft but strong.
“Fine…I’ll take it…but don’t expect anything. Remember, I told…” she started as she took the card.
“Yes, “He laughed, with a disarming smile. “I know…’you don’t do that kind of stuff.’”
She shoved the card into her pocket and disappeared into the night.
That was so long ago. She pulled the pillows close, wishing they were Markus’ once strong body. She had never been invisible to him, not even in that alley.
Looking out to the setting sun she spoke to him. “You’ll never be invisible to me either Sir. I’ll do my best to honor everything you’ve done for me…everything you’re still doing.”
What he laid out before her was no simple task. He’d never been one for simple tasks; he’d taken her on after all. He’d managed to turn an alley cat into a pampered pet.
“I know this is what you wish…one of your final. It will be a service to you. Know, you will always be with me, eternally.” She would find a way to be happy and pleasing in her service as she always had. Anything less would be a slap in his face.
Pulling the blankets close she settled deeper into her safe zone. Markus had built it, with his own hands, wanting her to have some place of her own. The cozy, open little cage and stepping stones were reminders. No matter how difficult the lessons could be, how close to the edge the play would get—no matter what—through and beyond it all—she was deeply loved. She’d walked, crawled and even been carried to this place to process. Now, she was here again, guided by him.
Mid-town Manhattan 1999
She was running through an alley in the city. She recognized the scene easily. It was the night that changed her life.
In her haste she’d turned the corner too closely and slammed directly into the dark suit of the detective she knew all too well.
“Yo’Carissa, why did you have to make me chase you? Didn’t I tell you to leave the city? Ya’ know I’m gonna have to lock you up one of these times.” Detective Sheridan’s soft dark eyes looked down on her sternly. She was exasperating!
He’d gotten her out of plenty of scrapes and was always compassionate toward her. He’d even taken the time to listen to her life story one night in the park. Over sodas and a couple of dirty water dogs, she’d told the all too familiar tale of a girl from a very broken childhood. She’d never had a home, broken or otherwise, her short life had been tragic.
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” Carissa said, looking for an excuse in the cracks of the sidewalk while she tried to catch her breath. “Ya’ know me—I’m just biding my time ‘til Prince Charming comes along to whisk me off my feet. Unless of course…you… want to adopt me” She fluttered her big eyes at him and smiled. Her attempt at playfulness wasn’t going to work tonight.
Detective Sheridan began walking her toward his cruiser. “Carissa, you’re a sweet girl, so I’m gonna do you a solid.” His gruff Brooklynese barely hid his obvious soft spot for her. He opened the passenger door and motioned for her to get in.
“Hey, Sheridan, where are you takin’ me?” she asked, looking for a place to run.
“Your chariot awaits my dear…At Penn Station.” He began to walk around to the driver’s side, hoping she wouldn’t run. She rested her chin on the frame of the door, her glowing eyes trained on his every move. She wasn’t running.
“Ya’ know, you can take the PATH train out to Jersey…You could take the LIRR, go stir up trouble in the Hamptons or somethin’.” He flashed a big smile. She rolled her eyes in response. “Ya’ know, the Air Train…it’ll take ya’ to JFK and you can go just about anywhere.” He paused and looked hard at her across the roof of the car.”Ya’ just gotta get outta my city Caris’. Next time, I’m gonna have to lock you up and I really don’t wanna do that, capiche?
They rode through Mid-Town in silence. Carissa had nowhere to go, and fought back tears as she envisioned leaving her comfort zone.
When they pulled up in front of Penn Station Detective Sheridan turned off the car. He looked to her, compassion in his eyes, jaw set tightly as he tried to hold the tough façade in place. “You know I’ll have to Caris’… So please…” He fished around in his pocket and pulled out a wad of money, handing it to Carissa, “Take this…and go.” His face softened, as warmth overtook his expression. “Consider it a contribution to your future.”
Carissa stared out the window, hot tears stung her face as she felt his rough hand close hers around the roll. “Future, yeah, right…I don’t think I’ve got too much hope for one of those Sheri.” She pulled her cloak of toughness around to shield her.
“You do have a future. It’s out there…waiting for you.”He tried to impart hope and sincerity. The façade was no longer viable; his words were from the heart.
Carissa jumped when she heard the click indicating the doors were unlocked. She quickly grabbed the small bag from between her feet and opened the door to exit the cruiser.
“Ya’ know,” She said, turning momentarily. “No one’s ever just done anything nice for me….Thanks for being such a non-human Sher’.” He squeezed her hand and she stepped onto 7th Avenue, leaving a chuckle behind and closing the door. She didn’t look back.
She had too much nervous energy to bother with the escalator, so she fell in with the crowd and descended the stairs, underground, to Penn Station. She didn’t know where to go or what to do.
She stopped at Dunkin Donuts and grabbed a coffee. Then she began wandering aimlessly around the vast terminal, contemplating her options. Finally she settled against a column to think. She people watched, and listened as the overhead speaker announced the arrival, boarding and departure of what seemed like a thousand trains. So many people on their way home…so many towns…but none of them sounded like her home.
Finally, there was a lull, and yet she couldn’t make herself leave. She could just buy a ticket and go—somewhere. Instead, she sat stiff against the column, on the hard tile floor, unable to move.
As she scanned the expansive station, looking toward the exit to 8th Avenue and back toward 7th Avenue, she felt the pressure. As if being pulled by magnetic forces from both sides, luring her, yanking her back to the city she knew so well. It would be so easy to disappear, back into the night. If she snuck out the back to 8th Avenue, she could even get a room at the New Yorker for a few days. She had the money, and could hide from Sheridan and everyone. Then she could just tell him it hadn’t worked out. She instantly felt the extra pressure from the weight of guilt. He’d been so good to her.
She tried to find solace as she pulled her big coat tight, attempting to comfort the coldness inside. She prepared to go against her gut, something she rarely did.
She shoved her hands deep in her pockets, past the roll of bills and to the bottom, only then did she feel something strange. Rustling around and trying to retrieve the bottom d
weller she finally pulled out a crumpled piece of thick paper. She unfolded it and lightly ran her finger across the raised lettering on the once fancy looking business card. “Markus Cruz, President and C.E.O.-Cruz Enterprises” She recalled the good-looking, well-dressed man from the alley. He did say he could help.
With hope she hurriedly emptied the contents of her bag onto the tile in front of her. Sifting through her possessions she looked for as much change as she could find. Detective Sheridan had done such a good deed, so, allowing some of her cynicism to fall away, she considered the suit. “Maybe, not everyone has a fuckin’ angle.”
After re-packing her bag she jumped up in search of a payphone. Her hands trembled as she fed the change into the antiquated machine. The phone started ringing and she thought of what she was doing. She had to hang up, and run, not walk to the New Yorker. Just then, the ringing stopped.
“Hello, Markus Cruz here.” The smoldering voice on the other end of the phone changed her mind instantly.
“Hi…it’s….the girl from the alley. You said you could help.”
She drifted in and out of sleep and dreams, uncertain of reality and imagination. The time since the funeral had been filled with these strange fugue states. Time meant nothing, and nothing mattered.
Now, she had a purpose. She was a slave and her Master was still at the reigns.
With hope, she allowed herself to drift off. Where dreams found her, Markus was sure to be. The rest of the night she tossed and turned, finding him over and over again. What beautiful dreams he’d created.
She woke as the sun lit the curtains around her. They glowed in beautiful, jewel tones, coloring her day as she rolled over and stretched out long. For the first time since Markus’ illness she woke with a smile. He wasn’t really gone, just a little further away than usual.
Her feet welcomed the dewy grass as she ambled across the sprawling grounds. Looking down at her wet toes she realized how she’d neglected the small details. Note to self: Get pedicure.